Monday, April 27, 2015

Day 93: Grenada

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Flavored Black
Brew Time & Temperature: 3 minutes, boiling
Leaf Appearance: Small, curled black leaves with dried yellow flower petals, red pieces (I think it's also a flower but I'm not sure)
Color: Dark golden; clear
Smell: Fruity (tropical- the guava is pretty noticeable), a bit floral
Recommended with/as: As is, iced
Rating: 8/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
Quick review today since I'm tired and have a test tomorrow.

Anyway, despite the smell, this tea was pretty mild. At the start, it tastes average (mix of fruits), but eventually becomes much more sour by the end. It definitely tastes like the guava described, but apparently there's papaya too. I think the tea base rounds it out a bit and doesn't make it too fruity- it's a nice balance. It's also smooth, but it did leave my throat a bit dry after drinking. Maybe try it cold brewed. Overall, it's a pretty good fruit tea, but like most of Lupicia's fruit blends, a bit generic.

Other notes:
So, today was my mom's birthday and we ended up eating outside for that. The math test went decently (I finished within the time, but I'm pretty sure I got a couple questions wrong), and I turned in the English essay too. For the essay, we had the choice of writing that we added/changed stuff like analysis (which is what we weren't supposed to do, but the teacher knows that people do it anyway) or that nothing except grammar or clarity was changed. I ended up putting down that I changed some of my stuff since I know I added phrases to a few sentences that changed their meaning, and rearranged them so that it makes more sense. To be honest, I don't think I changed as much stuff as some other people in my class who wrote that they did not change anything, and the teacher probably won't even check, but I guess I feel a bit shitty lying about it. Oh, and I got a job app at the local hardware store today too. I gotta wait until Saturday to talk to the boss though and get the other page of the application since they only had the second page today.

Also, I realized something: if I studied as much as I did for this math test (which was a decent amount over multiple days), I think I could actually do really well. I actually finished and had time to check on this test, which was a first in a while. Then again, I think there's only one test left before the final since we have a month left, but it's still something.

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Cameron Highlands BOP

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