Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Day 74: Sencha "Yumegatari"

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Green
Brew Time & Temperature: 1 minute, 75-100° C
Leaf Appearance: A light, sort of dark pastel green with grass like leaves; they're somewhat small, but that might just be because of the teabag
Color: A very bright light green, clear
Smell: Grassy with floral notes
Recommended with/as: As is
Rating: 9/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
Although the smell isn't that strong, the tea makes up for it in flavor. Although it's light, it's complex. At the start, there is a very subtle tart note that gives way to a brothy, vegetal taste. It ends on a grassy sweet taste, leaving the tongue somewhat cool after drinking. I also noticed a little bit of a roasted taste, which gave the tea a bit of a body. It's also smooth, without astringency or that dry feeling that senchas usually leave in your throat. Overall, I liked it very much and actually finished the whole pot. It did make for a nice late night homework/study tea, too.

Other notes:
Man, I have a group speech on Friday and I don't think my group is ready. We gave the job of making a visual to one person (guess who it is) and of course, he waits until the last minute to make it and it looks not very good. The rest of the group also aren't doing their part for the script, so I'm not looking forward to this speech at all (tomorrow I'm going to have to practice a ton for this).

Other than that, I got some more done with the project by inking in the roads and arrows (but of course the sharpie I had was dry, and the arrows look terrible). I also noticed one thing- personally, I feel like I can describe oolongs and greens decently well, but for the love of me I can't describe an unflavored black tea and be happy with my description. Oh well, hopefully I can fix that by the end of this project.

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Diksam FTGFOP1

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