Saturday, April 25, 2015

Day 91: Grape Green Tea

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Flavored Green
Brew Time & Temperature: 2 minutes, boiling
Leaf Appearance: Large, rolled green tea leaves with some dried yellow flower petals (?)
Color: Light yellow-green, clear
Smell: Grape candy is the most dominant smell, floral, sweet
Recommended with/as: As is
Rating: 7/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
Well this tastes a lot like it smells- like grape candy. However, while it does have the grape taste (I'd say it's a mix between artificial candy grape and purple grapes), it isn't terribly sweet. It's mixed with the grassy flavor of the tea, which balances it out and makes it actually taste like tea rather than warm, watered down grapes. It ends on a slightly bitter note with the taste of the grape lingering in the mouth afterwards. There's little astringency (which is unlike the average Lupicia flavored green, which leaves the throat at least a little dry) and was pretty light tasting all around. However, there isn't really much to this tea other than the grape since the green tea is sort of overpowered by the flavoring. Overall, it's okay, but I wouldn't recommend it for the one-sided taste. I think I actually bought 50g of this a long time ago since it was pretty cheap, but at that time I haven't really had much of any tea. Maybe try it iced?

Other notes:
Man, I hate to admit it, but it seems like I barely talk or chat to anyone anymore (especially people I know in real life). There's that girl that I like and we chat a ton about random stuff almost daily, but she's out this weekend, so I haven't talked to anyone except my dog today. I did say a few words to a guy selling honey though, but I doubt that even counts. Anyway, even before I really started chatting to that girl, I used to chat with some of my internet friends on Steam pretty often, but even now I don't talk to them much; we do have some conversations once in a while, but they don't last very long. It doesn't help that almost all of my communication outside of school is online, either. I would try to meet with my friends in person and hang out with them, but pretty much all of them are busy on weekends or are with other people (some of them I doubt are busy, but I haven't really hung out or talked with them in a super long time so I feel that might be awkward). Oh well.

In other news, I found a bird's egg while walking my dog! I'm pretty sure it fell out of a nest during the storm last night, and isn't viable anymore since it dropped a bit of a height, and there's a not too bad crack on the bottom (it might be hollow since it's really light, and when I tried candling it I could only see the yolk inside and nothing else). I couldn't find the nest either since the only tree nearby was super high up. Just in case, though, I have it in a makeshift nest, but I don't own a lamp or anything for heat (so I don't think it'll survive) On Monday, I'll bring it to school to my bio teacher and see what he thinks or if he wants it. It's small and bluish-white, with brown speckles all over.

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Neptune

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